Friday, 21 August 2015

Role of Effective curriculum in Schools

The school curriculum should be enriched and designed on the basis of research done by the school R&D team. The schools should inculcate the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and deliver the same to the children. The seven aspects of child development are:Gross Motor (considers the aspect of physical development and muscular development via crawling, running, walking, etc.), Fine Motor (activities relate to hands-eye coordination), Self Help Adaptive (personal maintenance, caring and Hygiene), Social and Emotional, Spritual and Moral, Language (Speaking and Writing Abilities), and Cognitive (Reasoning and Counting abilities).

Fun Valley School
Fun Valley School
A pre-school acts as the basic foundation of learning for the children. A child’s first place of learning is the home and the next is the school. The Fun Valley School is a pre-school located in Delhi, which is the junior wing of the East International School. The school admits children above the age of 1.8 years, and aims to provide a fun learning environment. The lush green premises of the school, comprises of a mini zoo, a sand pit, a doll house, and a few more play and fun areas, specially built for the children. The school works towards their goal to develop a base for the children, to teach them to learn to communicate and to encourage them to express their feelings, to develop the self -confidence and an interest towards learning new things in life.

The school has a broad vision for the future of the children and hence comprises of facilities that also adds on to it. The facility of a computer lab in the school encourages the creativity of the children and therefore enhances the same. The children are taught about the basic usage of a computer through educational games and simple puzzles. There is an auditorium, which also adds on to one of the facilities provided by the school, where the various activities such as solo performances are organized so as to develop self-confidence to face and address the audience and to get rid of the stage fear. To develop the swimming skills of the children, there is an arrangement of a splash pool. The school is not only concerned about educational growth, but is also concerned about the social, physical, and emotional growth of the children. The sports activities are conducted by the school in the form of games in the sand pit, which also ensures the creative development of the children.

Eden Castle School
Eden Castle School
The most important period for a child is the initial phase of learning that is their formative years of learning. The Eden Castle School is one amongst the other pre -schools in the city, which takes care of this important aspect. The school is ISO 9001:2000 certified. It recognizes the importance of teaching under various new methodologies and aims to deliver the best facilities to the children. The school also trains their teachers about the latest and modern technologies used in teaching. Books are not the only way of providing knowledge; therefore the teachers are updated through these training programs regarding the other essential skills, which they should acquire to meet the demands of parents. The school also provides the two years Certification Program in Nursery Teacher Training (NTT) and Nursery Primary Teacher Training (NPT). These training programs have the interactive sessions, which enrich teachers with the skills and methodologies to accomplish the demands of the present generation professional teaching.

At the end, we can very confidently conclude that,  these schools take care of the complete development of a child and try to live up to the expectations of the parents in the best possible way.

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