Monday, 21 December 2015

The Need for developing more Play Areas in Preschool.

The young children are much more curious than a grown up individual is. One cannot fathom their keenness to gain hold of information. Over an average life span, a human being utilizes all his/her senses the most during the childhood. For children, specifically age group 2-5, the word play assumes a specific meaning. Playing is as important for them as work is for an adult. Therefore, it is important that we discuss the need for more play areas for the children. Play teaches a child the meaning and essence of words like collaboration, teamwork, and belief. These words may not hold significant value in a child’s life, but, tomorrow, when they reach out to the world; words like these plays a chief role.

Pre Schools In Delhi
Preschools In Delhi
The way a child is brought up in their initial years leaves a significant impact on their psyche. Thus, it is important that during the budding years, they are encouraged to undertake light play activities, which will help them deal with stress. A preschool is like an activity centre where a child indulges in multiple activities. Multiple scientific researchers have established a direct relationship between play and development of cognitive and social skills.Some top preschools in Gurgaon, for instance, have laid special emphasis on relating play activities along with day-to-day tasks. The “Vygotskian theory of child development” has established a special relationship between the play activities and academic learning. It stresses that the best preschools have been able to replicate the philosophy adopted by Vygotsky.

Parents, often underplay the importance of play in a child’s life and its role in child development. While looking for the best preschool for their child, they tend to neglect the importance of this particular area. There is an interesting story related to this fact. “Once I came across a parent who was searching for some of the bestpreschools in Delhi. His only criteria, while shortlisting, was to look for a brand that could help them later find a school for their child. He had no clue about the importance of realizing and establishing a relationship between play, cognitive abilities, and gross-motor functions”. They may not realize it now, but somewhere down the line, their child’s future will have some impact because of their parent’s utter neglect of such values.

Play activities are more than mere symbol recognition. A preschool, which has well defined spaces for play areas often produce more skillful children than those who lack such basic amenities. Consequently, I would always suggest the parents to look for the schools that have fantastic play facilities. Additionally, on the part of the school authorities, they would be well advised if they develop well-defined play areas for the children. This will help them develop better peer relationships, teamwork, and belief in each other’s abilities. The preschools should schedule the proper time for a child’s free play – a concept under which the child is allowed to express itself. A curriculum with a balance between activities and play is the right way to a child’s unhindered growth. 

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