Thursday, 17 September 2015

Innovations in Indian Schools

Truly, education is not a field where stagnation can work, as it is the mother field, giving birth to numerous other fields, which are created by the educated ones. Education is not written on a paper, but it is something that is part of a lifelong learning process, right from when the child is born till the last breath. All that we learn throughout life is a part of education. It should not stay only within the confines of classrooms, but should also move beyond it. But then, one cannot undermine whatever is being taught inside classrooms, after all a classroom is the first source of thought, a place which naturally is an environment for budding ideas.  So, the innovations in classrooms are of sheer importance. Over the years, a great change has come in the pedagogy followed in schools as well as colleges. In the classrooms itself, the pedagogy has evolved in a great manner. Today, we have entered a time, which has moved beyond the affairs of blackboard, chalk and duster. Things have changed in many ways and have changed for the better.

Amity International School
Amity International School
Firstly, the blackboards have now been replaced by the ‘Smart-boards’ or the projector screens. Power Point Presentations or PPTs and documentaries are the trending patterns now. For instance, Amity International School is one of the premier institutes in India to abolish this pattern of teaching. This not only enhances the quality of teaching, but also keeps children greatly involved. It is a scientifically proven fact that the visualized concepts are easier to remember and last in the memory far longer.

Ajmera Global School
Ajmera Global School
Secondly, the Internet has become a handy tool for both the teachers and students alike. It is a medium, which not only connects friends, helps search random topics, but is also the new platform for developing ideas. Ajmera Global School, for example, provides fast internet connectivity to the students. Doesn’t a class of Political Science become more interesting when the topics are discussed, debated and questioned online on posts, discussion forums, blogs, etc.?
Thirdly, imparting lessons through role-play and drama has become the new trend setter in the education sector. A history class can be made interesting if students are made to enact and learn. Through drama and role-play, it becomes easier for the students to remember the factual details as it increases their level of participation. 

Also, education is not something that must be evaluated only on paper. It is something one can learn from anybody at any time. But, one must know how to apply that in life. In today’s action-oriented world, your actions speak far more than your academic numbers. Nothing encourages the child more than the fact he is being praised for his work. It goes the same for us too. So, whenever he corrects his mistake, uses a new word you taught him, does takes his responsibilities himself or even if he does something wrong in the process of any task, praise him so that next time he will not deter from taking up anything new. 

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