Sunday, 31 January 2016

Froebel’s Philosophy of Education

Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel was the youngest of the five sons of Johann Jacob Froebel. Froebel experienced a difficult childhood, because of the demise of his mother at a tender age of 9 months, and a couple of years later, his father remarried, leaving his custody to his Uncle. That is a lot of turmoil for a young child to face at an early age. At his father’s insistence, he attended girl’s primary school Oberweissbach in Germany and from 1793 to 1798; he lived with his maternal Uncle, Herr Hoffman, in Stadt-Ilm, where he attended the local town school.

From the year 1798 to 1800, he was an apprentice to a forester and surveyor in Neauhaus. After several attempts and applications to Universities, Froebel got acceptance in Univesity of Jena, but due to debt of his tuition fees, he was sentenced to jail. He was a believer of Christ and had a love for nature. He never was much interested in top preschools in Gurgaon, but had a strong liking for the subject mathematics. From 1808-1810, he attended a Training institute run by John Pestalozzi. Froebel left the institute that was run by Pestalozzi accepting his principles as his apprentices, which were
i)                    Permissive school atmosphere
ii)                  Emphasis on nature
iii)                And the object lesson

Being a believer of god and religion, he termed a specific term called “spiritual mechanism” which happened to be missing in “Pestalozzi theory”. He claimed that “Pestalozzi” took man only in appearance on earth, which is a materialistic ideology. However, Froebel considered man to be of eternal existence.

His philosophy of education rested on certain beliefs: -
i)                    Free self expression
ii)                  Creativity
iii)                Social participation
iv)                Motor expression

Froebel was known as the founder of Kindergarten, and named his school “The Garden of Children”. Froebel stated :- (i) Unity of origin: All existence originates with and in God. (ii)Unity of Purpose: Everything in Universe, are interconnected from beings, ideas, objects making everything systematic. He gave importance to the essence of spirituality in top preschools in India and believed every child has an innate spiritual essence, which needs to externalize through self-activity.

Preschools in India
Preschools in India

The Principle of Development: -   As we know, Change is the only thing which is constant. Thus, Humans, nature and the earth keep on evolving towards development and towards oneness. All parts of the universe are growing and they are growing from within through the force of the inner law of their own beings.

The principle Of Self Activity: - All things strive towards a divinely ordained perfection. Therefore, this principal states that all things are ordained from self-activity. When we are born, Our Brains are self-active, and prompt us to self-action. Children, when left to themselves reveal spontaneous activity in their thoughts and movement.

Froebel’s Gifts: - For the complete education and training of child, Froebel devised a series of Gifts. The gifts comprise carefully graduated series of material, which possess all the novelty of all playthings, yet they form the basis his educational method. They are to train the senses of sight and touch, to give the child an idea of size and surface and to present him a correct idea of numbers. The succession and order of gifts are determined by the principal of development. There happen to VII Gift’s of Froebel which emphasize on Education through observation and playful methods.

Influence of Froebel’s Kindergarten method :- I) His methodology raised the need for the school to function as a society where everyone’s view and ideology is respected and responsibility is shared by all. Brotherly rights are developed and voluntary coordination is practiced.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

5 ways to help your child get Fit

Every day is a new day, and we have new task and new ideas that keep changing.

It is unfair for the body to remain the same. Exercise and activities break old tissues and ligaments to create new ones. This process happens to be very healthy for the brain as well as the whole body.

Life is all about staying healthy and fit. It is said that our brain secretes a hormone called dopamine, when a person exercises and works hard. That hormone develops a good feeling factor, which ultimately makes daily routines and tasks much easier.The preschools in Faridabad have helped the children understand the benefits of staying healthy and fit. Certain things, such as instant energy, craving to be outdoors and social, eating healthier, better sleep, and self-dependence is some of the guaranteed benefits of staying fit and in tone with your body.

Preschools in Faridabad
Preschools in Faridabad
Here are 5 tips to keep your child fit:-

i)                    If you happen to live in a society, it’s pretty apparent that there would be sport activities such as tennis, basketball, swimming, karate, or simple exercises such as skipping, gymnastics, dance, rock climbing and other stuff. Do not think twice if your child has an interest, and you should make the right choice for the child to join the desired activity. If you don’t live in a society, there are always activity centers in your neighborhood.

ii)                  Eating healthy is another habit to be infused at an early age in the child. All the children are specifically told, “Eat your green vegetables”. Making a perfect balanced diet schedule for your child, while he/she is studying in play schools in India with 5-6 meals a day and less time interval between successive meals reduces the risk of diseases. A perfect balanced diet means intake of all the nutrients in the right proportion. Eating fair amount of fruits is also recommended, so that the body receives some minerals.

iii)           Simple activities in which, children naturally tend to have an interest such as skateboarding, skating, toy-Scooty, or cycling while going to the mart or school, should be encouraged.

Or activities like building your own Treehouse, climbing trees, running around in the park with friends or with your dog or just playing Frisbee in the sun.\

iv)                Try an adventure day out or a camping trip with your friends or family. Setting up
atent and a fire, hiking through mountains could be a good idea. Usually, during summer holidays or winter breaks, there are diverse camps throughout the country who provide proper care and adventure for the children.

v)                  Cleanliness and hygiene are some of the biggest unseen factors in fitness. A clean body can save you from many diseases and make you feel more confident about yourself.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Tips To Develop Social Skills Of a Child

What are the first words spoken by a child? Usually, these are, Mama or Dada. Those are probably  the first ray of light to a fluently well spoken adult, that child could become. What really matters is the journey from those first few words to the Literate adult that child might be.  And if the right measures are taken, the probability would be above half. So, what are the steps? What exactly are those measures? I shall try my best to explain.

Most kids are polite when they try to interact or communicate, they might just sound informal, but they do happen to have etiquettes and basic manners, while conversing. The proper communication and social skills actually start developing when the child starts going to the top preschools in India, even though the parents would have groomed their child as much as they could have, but that’s being dependent.

Preschools in India
Preschools in India
In socialization, communication and conversation doesn’t happen to be the only forms. There are non-verbal forms as well and in this generation, we have the ‘INTERNET’ and Mobile phones and other means to let our messages and thoughts reach out.  A skilled social child is said to have the basics of speaking to a person, which happen to be :

·         Tone and volume of voice
·         Making eye contact and facial expressions
·         Identifying Emotions and Body Language
·         Giving Personal space

Well in fact, cleanliness, and appearance also have a direct effect on the social life.Once a child, is familiar with all these techniques, he might just be a renowned among his/her peers and adults as well. The main objective of being in a group is to help children find ways to seek others of the same age group and similar interests. Ask the parents to find the top preschools in Noida that they might like their child to join, groups such as scout groups, social groups, faith groups, sports teams, and clubs. This totally depends on a child’s interest and what he/she might like to join from the variety of choices provided to them.

Groups are a platform for collective development, and generating collective ideas. Children can get along, speak their mind about what they want to say, brainstorm, create energy, and maybe form friendships that may last a lifetime.

The biggest fear of being in a group is the “AWKWARD SILENCE “, everyone will start wondering, a group of young and energetic bunch of kids, being so calm and “shush”?

Well, being in a group, does teach a lot of lessons to young children, such as “sharing your lunch with someone who forgot to pick it up from the table at home” or  “consoling a close one who got a little less marks in the test than you”. As the child gets closer to the friend, communication will seem to become boring, their socialization might be based on silence. Well, certain children don’t really fit in the group, but as life keeps teaching us lessons, we have to teach the child to be sporty to accept defeat and realize that he/ she (god forbid, the child is a perfect creation by the hands of its maker) would be lacking somewhere maybe in initiation or understanding the others.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Important Skills to Teach to Children in Preschools

Knowledge has no end, but an overdose of knowledge is like putting unnecessary load on the mind. Knowledge has its deep roots from curiosity. Children happen to be the most curious ones, it’s never enough for kids to know more; another question always pops up as soon as one ends. What a child actually needs is guidance for the future to learn new things before they step into the real world.

Who helps them achieve and perceive, the little as well as the great things in life? Well, the truth is, no one but himself/herself. A little effort from the children along with the support of teachers is all it takes.

In India, a teacher is also mentioned as a guru, and is admired and respected. In addition, the teacher shows them the path ‘for their’, “thirst for knowledge and curiosity.”

There’s a standard procedure for everything, even for education. Education also follows a standard procedure. The Preschools in Ghaziabad, always follow this procedure when something new is about to venture: If something new has to be taught in school. Usually, a little excitement is kindled to catch the attention of the children and fill them with awe and suspense of what is about to come.

Preschools in Ghaziabad
Preschools in Ghaziabad
Well, when everybody is fixated at something new, a collective attention boosts the teacher’s morale further. And gradually, when new information is presented to them, the mind starts to work and absorb naturally in an effort to understand what’s being taught to them. Now it is very important, that the children comprehend each and every letter otherwise, they will tend to get lost. If aided correctly, students will start getting an idea of how things work. Regular practice instills an urge in them to know about new things. When, the children reach their home, who knows? He/she might just pick up a book on their own and start reading.

Important Skills learned: - Grasping and learning skills, speaking, reading, vocabulary and language efficiency, and concentration.

What is the biggest motivation for any child to wake up and go to school?

It is the anticipation and excitement of what will be new in school today.Also, looking forward to meeting their peers and getting involved in a playful experience, is another attraction of a preschool.

Watch a child all alone in a sand park and watch him play independently. The Top Preschools in India offer a lot more, making their experience delightful and meaningful. It instills a sense of self and a sense of belonging. It is the start of creating an identity of your own self in the world and getting ideas of initiating activities such as art and craft, reading, and choosing to dress up on their own.

Most importantly, the child gets used to a routine, pushing out idle time and thoughts from the head. Doesn’t that help in exposing your child to a better lifestyle and to the important things in life?

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Difference between a Preschool and a Playschool

A pre-school is often called as grade ‘0’ or pre- primary school.It is an educational institute providing early childhood education, meant for children between the age group of 3and 5, preceding the inception of higher education at primary school.Whereas, a playschool is a relaxed and ‘easy going’ playgroup that usually focuses on developing a merry and radiant environment for the children.Usually, a playschool is a form of pre-school that encourages play-rooted education.

The influence of sending your children to playschools or preschools is spectacular and definitely proficient. Well, some parents have a narrow mindset and wonder, “Why we should send our children to a playschool, when the child can play at home instead? Let me give you a small example to illustrate the utility. Recently, a group of young teenagers made a documentary on one of the Top preschools in Noida with an intention of highlighting the significance of pre-elementary education and demonstrated it with a very plain notion. They stood outside the playschool just before its onset and video graphed the adorable 2-year-old faces streaming down with tears, reflecting resentment and negligence to enter the school.

Preschools in India
Preschools in India
Following, when the school eventually got over and the children were dismissed, they did the equivalent thing; recorded the dawning faces, but this time, most of them showed no signs of regret for passing into the school that they were actually dreading to venture into. Most of the children were recorded running through the passageway with tingling smiles and laughs, eyes glistening with joy, hearts charged with laughter.What exactly happened? Was it a wise idea for the parents who were unseeingly adamant about not sending their children to the preschool? Well In the next sequence of the video, the teenagers beautifully recorded the activities of the children in the school, and how they were endeavoring and learning to perform and practice. This will give you a slight idea of the advantages of Play schools in IndiaTo explain it more briefly: A playschool is a preparatory stage not only for elementary education,but also for a child’s absolute future, as the bulk evolution and expansion of the brain happens during this age group.

This indicates the utter need to send a child to a good preschool to carve a bright future. Typically, the agenda is to hone the abilities and skills of children in a very playful and high-spirited manner. A playschool is a stepping-stone for a child’s overall progression and enlargement. Playschools provide an opportunity to the children to meet and play with their peers, and learn to survive without their parents. This brush up their social and self-help skills. In addition, a child’s time spent in a preschool enhances the confidence of a child.Whereas, the Pre- school is a foundation to academic learning. It assists the child to grasp phonics,reading skills,mathematical awareness, physical development, physical health, and teamwork.What I mentioned here, is just a minimal bulk of the advantages and convenience of PRE-SCHOOLS /PLAY SCHOOLS. To experience the totality: -Taking a step towards improvement is much better than reasoning about advancement. 

Friday, 8 January 2016

History of Preschools and Day Care Centres.

The preschools and Day care centers provide organization and care of infants and young children during the daytime. The institutes are particularly a boon for the parents living in metropolitans who hold day jobs. The concept of preschools or better known as day care centres stretches back to the year 1840. These centres appeared for the first time in central France and the famous French “Société des Crèches”, recognized by the French government and were adopted as the premier body in 1869. From France, these day-care centres found solace in most European cities and industrial centres. In the latter half of the 19th century, the day care centres emerged first in the Great Britain and later in the United States.

In India, these centres, termed as preschools or childcare centre or nursery schools, are often used interchangeably. The educational programs of these institutes stretched back to almost 50 years ago when the first of the many Preschools in Delhi was opened. The educational programs offered by these schools provide a variety of different scenarios and integrated avenues for the children living in the vicinity of the schools. The young children, who have blossomed tremendously by studying at these institutes, can learn a great deal. The young children and their families have a long history of studying in preschools, not just in European or Asian schools, but also in countries like the United States, India, and many more.

Preschools in India
Preschools in India
The day-care centres, especially the ones in India, are generally private. Even the quality of preschools in India is of varied quality. In many countries, like India, day-care and preschool facilities are designed specifically for the mother’s place of work. The best preschools in India aim to attract the families on the promise of excellent preschool programs. In a number of developing nations, the Infant care and preschool programs are normal and offered as a provisional source of education in many developed countries.

In the better-developed countries like France and Italy, these institutes are a regular part of the public-school system. However, India hasn’t developed any societal agreement about the suitability of preschools and day care, and the subsequentine quality of education standards is the main cause for concern in our country. In the 20th century, the day care centres and preschools were more abundantly allowed to prosper and their importance grew manifold. The rising population of working women also contributed to this sudden surge.

The preschools and day centres are run by an individual or group. Many have established their chain of preschools/day-care centres. The teachers take care of the children studying in these schools. They also use ayahs or nannies for assistance in these institutes. The children admitted in these nurseries usually depend on the classroom environment and the amenities offered. In India, home-based centres have flourished in the recent times. These centres may even employ nannies who can help them in the management. Additionally, it is the duty of the parents to offer these institutes their required seats and facilities.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Importance of Co-curricular Activities for Toddlers

As a child education expert, I have met many parents who ask me why it is important for their child to participate in co-curricular activities. A majority of them are aware of its benefits on the child’s health and well-being. Consecutively, a healthy child will be more likely to express itself and learn in a free atmosphere. The more a child participates in co-curricular activities, better will be their level of confidence and self-awareness. If you limit a child’s time to only books and studies, they will saturate themselves and cause more trouble. They have to have the ability of improving themselves with time and with practise.

Co-curricular activities can help link a child’s performance with their confidence. It helps the mind and body to work in unison. A child, who regularly participates in co-curricular activities,can be aware of their limits. These activities help the children express themselves and deal with the surroundings. A child could learn an endless list of values by participating in co-curricular activities. If you talk about Preschools in Faridabad – a major hub of the Delhi NCR – the parents have started sending their children to preschools more often. The co-curricular activities help the children gain confidence and humility as they receive success. Eventually, you will not find a better teacher than sports.

Preschools in India
Preschools in India
There is a whole host of activities in which, a child can participate in from a young age. Debates, dance, music, drawing are only a few to name. These activities teach numerous virtues to a child and help them accept their strengths and weaknesses by analyzing their surroundings. A child could analyse, with the help of the teachers, the moments spent preparing for the event of their choice. Indian preschools recognized its importance quite late. These activities help develop better abilities. However, it’s better late than never. The top schools offer state-of-the-art amenities for the children to participate in various activities. The Top 10 preschools in India offer enough encouragement to help the children participate in co-curricular activities. The preschool, these days, have realized the importance of these activities in the development of children.

On the other hand, participation just for the sake of it will not be beneficial for the child. They should do it if they want to learn and improve skills. The children, these days, build a successful career as by developing their interest in these activities. Additionally, they can prosper by participating in these activities. With the right support and backing from the school a child could learn and prosper. Finally, a child cannot learn and prosper without trying new things and testing their limits. The Values like confidence, integrity, association, and determination are all by-products of participating in these activities and events. You can allow your child to experience all of these, first-hand, by encouraging them to participate in the games and events of choice. The more they practise, better will be their performance. A child’s capacity is engaged by participating in co-curricular activities. Children have to have the ability of improving themselves with time and with practise. 

Monday, 4 January 2016

The Importance of Preschools for Parents

The education sector is showing some signs of revival. The world is looking towards us with high optimism as the stagnated preschool market is picking steam. Now is the time to polish your child’s chances of gaining knowledge with a right preschool education. The children, primarily, study in a preschool for three major reasons: a) they want an exposure to early child education, b) they are looking to meet new children, or c) they are planning to set up an experienced learning centre. There are a plenty of instances where children have managed to achieve their dreams with a right push to their early careers. However, a preschool education of the child comes with its own set of advantages.

A preschool period is best suited to people looking to boost their child’s skills. Additionally, it offers a higher sense of security that your child’s future is in safe hands. If you have lost interest in your course/career, I would recommend you to send your child to a preschool to concentrate on your career. A good parent is the one who is capable of achieving the top standards and gaining better results for their child. There was a time when India had a dearth of preschools. Nevertheless, things have changed. With the emergence of preschools in Noida, students no longer have to look towards the west. Further, if you study in a preschool here in India, your child will be better aware of what is to follow. Ultimately, the preschool days are all about enhancing your child’s skills.

Contrary to some other courses, a preschool course offers you an option of subscribing to a regular programme. That means if a full-time admission is not your cup of tea, then you can always opt for a day care facility for your child. There is no doubt that if you can afford to study in a branded preschool,then that will be the best option; however, people with limited resources don’t have to lose heart. There are a whole host of preschools, which offer excellent programmes for the children. For instance, the top 10 preschools in India offer complete development opportunity for the children as well as the parents. If you compare these Indian preschools, you will find them competing at almost every parameter. 

However, there is one important fact that you cannot ignore. A preschool education requires a huge amount of hard work and application on the part of the parents. You cannot aim to find the best school, if you are not prepared to put in the extra effort. Eventually, in today’s competitive environment, your child’s preschool course will be better suited to achieve higher feats. It is not to say that those studying different courses will not be as benefitted as the ones pursuing in the preschool. Yet, a preschool education will most likely equip your child to become a better leader.