Monday, 18 January 2016

Tips To Develop Social Skills Of a Child

What are the first words spoken by a child? Usually, these are, Mama or Dada. Those are probably  the first ray of light to a fluently well spoken adult, that child could become. What really matters is the journey from those first few words to the Literate adult that child might be.  And if the right measures are taken, the probability would be above half. So, what are the steps? What exactly are those measures? I shall try my best to explain.

Most kids are polite when they try to interact or communicate, they might just sound informal, but they do happen to have etiquettes and basic manners, while conversing. The proper communication and social skills actually start developing when the child starts going to the top preschools in India, even though the parents would have groomed their child as much as they could have, but that’s being dependent.

Preschools in India
Preschools in India
In socialization, communication and conversation doesn’t happen to be the only forms. There are non-verbal forms as well and in this generation, we have the ‘INTERNET’ and Mobile phones and other means to let our messages and thoughts reach out.  A skilled social child is said to have the basics of speaking to a person, which happen to be :

·         Tone and volume of voice
·         Making eye contact and facial expressions
·         Identifying Emotions and Body Language
·         Giving Personal space

Well in fact, cleanliness, and appearance also have a direct effect on the social life.Once a child, is familiar with all these techniques, he might just be a renowned among his/her peers and adults as well. The main objective of being in a group is to help children find ways to seek others of the same age group and similar interests. Ask the parents to find the top preschools in Noida that they might like their child to join, groups such as scout groups, social groups, faith groups, sports teams, and clubs. This totally depends on a child’s interest and what he/she might like to join from the variety of choices provided to them.

Groups are a platform for collective development, and generating collective ideas. Children can get along, speak their mind about what they want to say, brainstorm, create energy, and maybe form friendships that may last a lifetime.

The biggest fear of being in a group is the “AWKWARD SILENCE “, everyone will start wondering, a group of young and energetic bunch of kids, being so calm and “shush”?

Well, being in a group, does teach a lot of lessons to young children, such as “sharing your lunch with someone who forgot to pick it up from the table at home” or  “consoling a close one who got a little less marks in the test than you”. As the child gets closer to the friend, communication will seem to become boring, their socialization might be based on silence. Well, certain children don’t really fit in the group, but as life keeps teaching us lessons, we have to teach the child to be sporty to accept defeat and realize that he/ she (god forbid, the child is a perfect creation by the hands of its maker) would be lacking somewhere maybe in initiation or understanding the others.

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