Tuesday, 3 November 2015

How to Improve Pedagogical Skills?

Want to improve your child’s pedagogical skills? Or want to increase his love for the numbers and make him great at it? Since every child is good at some things while he/she may lag behind in others, he/she might need help to improve at weaker areas. Hence, here are a few tips that will greatly help your child in strengthening their mathematical skills and make them good at it.

Delhi Public School Gurgaon
Delhi Public School Gurgaon
Do not pressurize your child to learn the figures and formulae rather develop newer ways to spark his/her interest in mathematics. There are many top schools like the Delhi Public School Gurgaon  which can help you do it. Here are few of them for your help-

v  Make them aware of numbers by taking examples from home itself. There are many things like the calendar, a TV dial, a cereal box, and many more. Ask your child to always write the number he/she notices and is able to identify.

v  Take your child along shopping with you and they will get a lot of opportunities to play mathematics games with you. For instance, ask your child to add up the number of license plates in the car parking. Ask them to count the things you have bought and keep adding them to get a total number of commodities you both have added to your cart. Moreover, if the child is in the age of multiplying, ask them to calculate how much three packs of their favorite biscuit costs, if one costs 30?

v  The next time you take your child out for dinner, give the menu in their hand to choose food first and then while you wait for the food to be served, spend time playing with them. Ask your child to see which is the least expensive item in the menu list? Or simply to add the cost of food you have ordered.

By following this way, you will find that your child gets easily familiar with numbers and does not hesitate while seeing them in the book.

v  It often happens that the child forgets the learnings during his summer break. Avoid that summer drain by making them memorize these concepts through games and other activities. The kitchen itself is a great place for your little one to be great with numbers. He would love to help you in bringing the tomatoes, potatoes, etc… and being an assistant chef. You can ask him for counting, adding, estimating, while making a dish.

Delhi Public School Vasant Kunj
Delhi Public School Vasant Kunj
        Include your child while cleaning their bookshelf and toy room. Challenge your budding architect to make a tower using the maximum number of blocks he can in a minute, then ask him to calculate the number of blocks he used, to count the blocks of same color, and other such questions. Activities like these are an inclusive part of schools like the Delhi Public School Vasant Kunj.

v  Last but not the least, the time clock in the house can play the most interesting role in teaching your child the basics of mathematics. And how to use it for this purpose is something that needs no explanation.

Thus, if your child runs away from mathematics, you first need to make them comfortable with it and then only you can expect children to be good at it. Follow these interesting ways which are better than teaching through books alone and you will find the results yourself. 

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