Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Impact of Positive Classroom Environment

The environment inside a classroom is essential in keeping a check on discipline in the classroom. The teachers play a vital role in maintaining discipline in the classroom, which automatically will create a positive environment in a classroom. There are a number of ways through which, teachers can create a positive environment.

IIT Kanpur
IIT Kanpur

Every year when the new session starts, there is always high enthusiasm in the teachers. This enthusiasm can be used to encourage students to begin their new session with energy and enthusiasm. Nowadays, a lot of emphasis is given by the teachers of the IIT Kanpur to the parents to involve them indirectly in the classroom activities of their children. To create a positive classroom environment is a significant fact of classroom teaching. By creating a positive environment, teachers give an opportunity for better classroom discipline and management. Some measures that can be adopted for creating a positive classroom environment include:

·         Start the new session with enthusiasm and with full energy.

·         To encourage student involvement in classroom activities

·         To make the classroom decor more appealing and ensuring the indirect involvement of the parents.

·         To appreciate the initiative taken by the students in the classrooms.

The teachers should strictly adhere to the basic guidelines and norms of the classroom. The requirement of the positive environment is not only essential in the classrooms, but also in the school. The involvement of students will allow them to indulge deeply in the learning process and encourages an atmosphere of sharing knowledge in the classroom.

The strategy should be designed by the teachers with respect to developing a positive environment in the class. The next important aspect is about the sustenance of the environment. This responsibility should be given to the students to maintain the environment by designating responsible students in the class i.e. the class monitors. Take any list of engineering colleges in India for example, and you will find the IITs leading in every list. These students will have the assigned tasks that are to be accomplished on a daily basis. This activity will help in engaging students in some productive work and will allow a positive, interactive environment in the classroom. Here are some of the top colleges:

·         IIT Bangalore
·         IIT Delhi
·         IIT Bombay
·         IIT Kanpur
·         IIT Kharagpur

This constant improvement of the teaching philosophy will lead to modification in the teaching methodology. This will lead to designate leadership roles and every student should be given this opportunity once in the session. The classroom should also be set-up in a manner that promotes and increases learning through group interactions.

Early in the morning, when the student enters a classroom, he or she should be encouraged and welcomed with great slogans fixed on the walls of the classrooms. A student of any age group can be motivated through the lines and words spoken by the great personalities, keeping in mind that it should be well understood by them. The teachers can encourage students by having small motivational lectures at the end of the day or at the beginning of the day, so that it helps them to keep their spirits high even after the school and in the next day also.

A positive environment in a class will always be encouraging for the students and will always keep them motivated. This impact of positivity on a student will remain embedded in his/her memory throughout their life and will remind them of school days.

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